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New Britain Soccer Club

New Britain Soccer Club

Return to Play - Phase 1

As New Britain Soccer begins a return to play, we are following CJSA’s guidelines. it is important that we prepare to implement the following, minimum, return to play requirements for Phase 1.
Every member club must certify to implement and strictly adhere to the following CJSA’s requirements:

No Participation if Experiencing COVID-19 Symptoms
-Any coach, player, parent, referee or spectator who is sick, has a persistent cough, is running a temperature or is displaying any symptoms suggesting that the individual may be ill, (from any contagious malady, including cold, flu, or suspected coronavirus) will be prohibited from attending training or games.
-Coaches and players (assisted by parents/guardians) must self-assess their condition and attest when arriving at the location that they are not experiencing these symptoms. A self-assessment tool is attached which you can provide for players and coaches to assess their symptoms:
-Any adult attendee who displays any of these symptoms will be required to leave. A minor who is displaying any of these symptoms should be safely isolated until an adult responsible for the minor can remove the minor.

COVID-19 Director
-All clubs must have a COVID-19 Director. The COVID-19 Director is responsible for identifying and implementing the practices required to comply with CJSA, state, and local return to play activities requirements and is the point of contact with CJSA. NBS's director is Jose Carlos del Ama (860 518-2888, [email protected]).
-A signed CJSA COVID-19 Waiver must be provided by a player before engaging in any return to play activities.
Minimize physical touching between players and coaches
-Coaches shall ensure and all players and coaches avoid “high fives,” handshakes, or other types of physical touching. We understand that this may be difficult as players enjoy celebrating with their teammates, but we need to be diligent at enforcing this protocol for the health and safety of our players and their families.
Coaches, players, and spectators to wear masks during training sessions
-Coaches are required to wear appropriate face coverings during training sessions. Players must wear masks when in the playing environment and not playing. Players will also be allowed to wear masks while training, but this will be a personal choice of the player’s parent or guardian. Any other individuals attending the training session are required to wear appropriate face coverings and follow all social distancing guidelines.

Hand Sanitizing

-Make hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, soap, and water, or similar disinfectant readily available during practice. Players should bring hand sanitizer for personal use.

-Do not share equipment. Players should have their own alternate color training top or pinnie. Players should have their own ball, water bottle, towel, and hand sanitizer.
-Reduce players touching practice equipment, the handling of all training items, such as cones, flags, goals, etc. should be limited to coaches.
-Sanitize all equipment after each session, including benches and bleachers.
Social Distancing Oversight
-During Phase 1, social distancing (minimum 6 feet) must be maintained by coaches, players, and spectators at all times.
-Clubs should assign people to be physically present to monitor fields and facilities to politely but firmly ask any groups of parents or players to disperse and maintain appropriate distancing and that failure to do so risks the sanctioning and protection (including insurance) for the players and the club.

If a team member or coach contracts COVID-19, all training sessions will be canceled for that team and any additional team associated with that coach for 14 days.

If a player or coach is sent home with symptoms, they can return when they have no fever, symptoms have improved, and they receive two negative test results in a row, at least 24 hours apart (CDC Guidelines)


New Britain Soccer Club
100 John Karbonic Way 
New Britain, Connecticut 06051

Email: [email protected]

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